The Virtual Run will be open for registration from 7 June 2024 to 28 September 2024.
Choosing either the 21KM or 42KM category, clock your run with Strava at any time and place from 29 September 2024 to 15 October 2024.
Qualify* by 15 October 2024, 2359hrs, to receive your category entitlements (Event T-shirt, E-certificate, and Finisher Medal).
*Hit minimum fundraising amount ($60 or $70) and clock your chosen distance (21KM or 42KM)Event T-shirt
Register by 28 September to begin your virtual journey in the Race Against Cancer 2024. Hit the minimum amount (e.g., $60 for 21km, $70 for 42km) and clock your distance during the race period (29 Sep to 15 Oct) to qualify.
The deadline to qualify is 15 October 2024, 1159hrs. We strongly encourage all Virtual Run participants to qualify early in order to secure category entitlements.
Limited slots available for both 21km and 42km categories.
After registration, you can login and link your active Strava account to your RAC profile by going to ‘My Profile’ > ‘My Activity’.
Please also ensure that you enable the ‘View data about your private activities’ checkbox during linking authorisation.
The race period starts 29 September and ends 15 October.
Start clocking your distance of 21km or 42km and continue fundraising.
The Virtual Run category is cumulative. You can split your distance and record your run.
Do ensure that all run activities are recorded using the Strava app or Connected Devices to Strava app during the race period 29 September to 15 October 2024, 1159hrs.
We recommend that you can take the park connectors (PCNs) or parks near your home.
You will need to track your date and time, distance, duration, and route map using Strava (GPS-enabled app) for the activities to sync and reflect in your profile under ‘My Profile’ > ‘My Activity’ > ‘My Records’.
Record an Activity on Strava App Step-by-Step Guide
More information on Recording an Activity on Strava here.After you have completed your registration, you may login to your profile and donate or rally your friends and family to fundraise the minimum amount required.
Donations to the team will be equally shared amongst all members of the team at the point of donation.Singapore Cancer Society
30 Hospital Boulevard
#16-02 NCCS Building
Singapore 168583
No. You can't use a treadmill, steps tracker and pedometer submission for the virtual race as most treadmills, steps tracker and pedometer do not provide a date/time and route map, and it can't be tracked using the Strava app.
You will have to download, register for a Strava account, and sync it to the race website.